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StLRS’ Wraparound Program Secures Several Benefits for Client

May 21, 2024 6:55:19 PM • Updates (see all) admin


Robert Jackson recently relocated from Missouri to California. As a person with a hearing disability making a significant move, securing his nutritional and health benefits was crucial. To do so, Mr. Jackson had to navigate the Medicaid system and transfer his benefits from one state system to another. Without proper representation, advocacy, and support, this may have been impossible. Fortunately, Mr. Jackson was connected to St. Louise Resource Services (StLRS) thanks to his sibling, Sister Lisa Laguna, DC, a Daughter of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul.

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Sister Laguna served as his translator since Mr. Jackson is deaf and unable to speak. Our Family Services Coordinator, Jessica Sandez-Ruiz, took charge of his case and assisted him with multiple services. First, Jessica assisted with and submitted Mr. Jackson’s CalFresh application. Through persistence, advocacy, and follow-ups with the CalFresh office, Jessica managed to get Mr. Jackson’s application approved in a matter of days.

Secondly, Jessica ensured Mr. Jackson obtained his health benefits. After thorough case management, Jessica informed Mr. Jackson that he had Medi-Cal benefits through his Social Security. Additionally, she was able to connect him with Collaborative Health Insurance Solutions, an organization StLRS partners with, to help him obtain Medicare. StLRS scheduled and hosted the appointment at our office in Downey, CA to accommodate Mr. Jackson’s needs.

Lastly, StLRS referred Mr. Jackson to an in-house Health Care Options representative to assist him with selecting his health care provider. Our wraparound process ensured Mr. Jackson received the proper assistance in a timely manner. Mr. Jackson left StLRS knowing he had secured nutrition and health benefits for himself.

Sister Laguna reached out to StLRS and shared, “I want to express my gratitude for your help… I already believed in you all—now I’ve seen all of this in my own life and that of my brother’s life. You are a blessing to us and to so many!” StLRS will continue to assist Mr. Jackson with his renewal of benefits.




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