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Nuestro Impacto

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Nuestro Impacto

Empoderando vidas desde 2016

St. Louise Resource Services (StLRS) ha estado profundamente arraigado en la comunidad del condado de Los Ángeles desde 2016, extendiendo una mano amiga a individuos y familias necesitadas. Con orgullo, hemos apoyado innumerables vidas, asegurando que reciban el apoyo que merecen para prosperar.

Desde abordar la inseguridad alimentaria hasta promover la equidad en salud y el acceso a servicios vitales, StLRS sirve como un faro de esperanza y apoyo para los vulnerables. Nuestros esfuerzos de defensa van más allá de las solicitudes, ya que abogamos por el cambio sistémico y aumentamos la conciencia sobre los problemas sociales y económicos que afectan a nuestra comunidad.

Más de 3.2 millones de californianos carecen de cobertura de salud, y 2.7 millones de residentes de Los Ángeles constituyen la mayoría. Un análisis reciente proporcionado por la coalición Protecting Immigrant Families (PIF) reveló que las familias latinas están perdiendo la cobertura de Medicaid a más del doble de la tasa del siguiente grupo racial o étnico más afectado. A través de asociaciones con otras organizaciones y actores comunitarios, StLRS aborda estos persistentes problemas prevalentes en nuestra comunidad, maximizando nuestro impacto incalculable y fomentando un sentido de deber cívico y solidaridad.

Como organización impulsada por la comunidad, StLRS está dedicado a empoderar a individuos y familias para que lleven vidas más saludables y satisfactorias. Juntos, estamos transformando comunidades, dejando un legado de esperanza, resiliencia y cambio positivo. Únase a nosotros mientras continuamos sirviendo y apoyando a nuestra comunidad con autenticidad y corazón. ¿Cómo puedes contribuir? St. Louise Resource Services agradece sinceramente cualquier pensamiento, oración o donación.

Para donar, haga clic aquí. Gracias de antemano por su apoyo en cualquier forma en que lo recibamos.

Our Impact image (2)


"Frankly, I don't think I could ask for anything more as a client. I appreciate the staff for being so kind. Thank you very much."

Mrs. Sandate



"Everything was good, they met all my expectations today. Everyone is very kind and attentive."

Mr. Rivera



"First things first, Araceli was very helpful since the first day I came in. I didn't know what to do at first and I came in looking to apply for Medi-Cal and Araceli was always very helpful. She helped me with the whole process. I recommended my sister with Araceli as well and my sister was super happy with her service as well."

Miss Armenta



"I do recommend this agency to others, especially the person who helped me, Araceli Carrillo. She was very polite and professional. She helped and answered all my questions and saved me a lot of time. I really appreciate her help."

Mrs. Cedano



"The attention, kindness, and desire to solve our problems."

Mr. Castro



"Extremely pleased with the professional help I received. Ms. Karen was very polite and patient. "

Mrs. Rodriguez



"Yes, I was well taken care of, and I can recommend you to others."

Mr. Solano



"I really liked how they helped me and how Miss Dafne treated me. She was very kind and helped me a lot. She is very courteous and a very good person. May God bless her to always be this way."

Mrs. Magaña



"Juan's kindness in helping us was spectacular and exceeded my expectations. It is very likely that I will recommend a friend to use the services provided here at this agency. I have no suggestions for improving the service."

Mr. Alonzo



"Juan was very kind and worked hard to help me get my food assistance card. I am very grateful to him."

Mr. Frausto



"Juan was great. He helped me with fast service. Always answers when you call. I would recommend it to everyone. Thank you for your help."

Mr. Vergara

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