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Going the Extra Mile: A Journey of Empathy

May 21, 2024 2:52:32 PM • Updates (see all) admin


At StLRS, our mission is to provide compassionate support and assistance to those in need. This story highlights a remarkable journey of empathy experienced by Juan, one of our dedicated Family Service Coordinators, as he goes above and beyond to help a couple with their CalFresh renewal.

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 An Unexpected Obstacle

“Helping others has always been at the core of my work as a Family Service Coordinator. But what started as a routine assistance call for a CalFresh renewal turned into a profound experience of compassion and connection.

A month later, when they visited our office with a letter of denial in hand, I was puzzled. I couldn’t understand why they would be denied, especially after our thorough renewal process.”

Determination and Compassion

“As I delved deeper into their case, I realized they had traveled all the way from downtown LA to our office in Downey, a journey that involved multiple bus rides. Their determination to seek help touched me deeply. I knew I had to do everything in my power to assist them.

I immediately informed our office manager, who arranged for an Uber ride to take them back home. But I couldn’t stop there. I wanted to ensure they had the means to sustain themselves until their benefits were sorted out. So, we were able to assist them with gift cards to help with groceries from the StLRS restricted Families in Need fund (FIN).

The next step was tackling the administrative hurdles. Waiting in line for two hours to speak to a representative from DPSS was challenging, but I persisted. Finally getting through, I explained the situation and discovered that the county office made a mistake that had resulted in the denial. Rectifying it was a relief, knowing it would bring immense relief to the couple.”

A Heartfelt Gratitude

“After informing them of the positive outcome, their gratitude was overwhelming. Their voices trembled with emotion as they expressed their heartfelt thanks. It was a humbling moment, reminding me of the impact even small acts of kindness can have on someone’s life.

As I reflected on the experience, I realized that empathy knows no bounds. From assisting with paperwork to arranging transportation and providing support, every action was driven by a desire to help those in need. It’s moments like these that reaffirm my commitment to serving others and remind me of the power of compassion to make a difference in the world.”

This story exemplifies the dedication and compassion that StLRS embodies in our mission to assist and support individuals and families in need. We are committed to going the extra mile to ensure that everyone receives the help and support they deserve.




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