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Covered California Open Enrollment: Secure Your Health for the Coming Year

May 21, 2024 4:33:07 PM • Updates (see all) admin


The season of change is upon us, and it’s not just about falling leaves and cooler temperatures. It’s also the time to ensure your health coverage is in top-notch condition. Covered California is your ally, ready to guide you through the open enrollment period, ensuring you have access to premier healthcare options. The doors to enrollment for the upcoming year are wide open, and seizing this opportunity is vital.

Covered California open enrollment blog cover (1)Why Act Now?

1. Explore Your Options:
Open enrollment is the ideal moment to explore and choose the health insurance plan that perfectly aligns with your needs. Covered California’s range of plans, from Bronze to Platinum, offers diverse options to suit your lifestyle and budget.

2. Financial Assistance Opportunities:
Discover if you qualify for financial assistance to lower your monthly premium. Actively participating in open enrollment ensures you won’t miss out on potential savings.

3. Ensure Provider Compatibility:
Verify that your preferred doctors and hospitals are included in the plans you’re considering. Covered California’s Shop and Compare tool empowers you to make informed decisions about your healthcare providers.

How to Enroll:

If you’re ready to take charge of your health for the coming year, follow these steps:

1. Contact Us:
Reach out to our friendly and bilingual enrollers at (844) 245-1900 for free assistance and guidance during the open enrollment period.

2. Directly with Covered California:
Alternatively, contact Covered California directly at (800) 300-1506 (TTY: [888] 889-4500).

Don’t Miss Out: Act Now!

Remember, during open enrollment, the power is in your hands. If you take no action to actively renew or change your plan, you will be automatically enrolled into the same plan you had the previous year, using the most recent household size and income information provided.

Renewing with Medi-Cal:

For those enrolled in Medi-Cal, the open enrollment process aligns with the anniversary of your enrollment. Keep an eye out for the Medi-Cal renewal form from your local county human services agency, and ensure you complete it promptly to maintain your coverage.

Your Health, Your Priority:

Enrolling during open enrollment is an investment in your well-being and peace of mind. Act now to secure your health coverage for the coming year. For any questions or assistance, we’re here for you. Your health deserves the spotlight—make it a priority!




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